In a tough economy where every dollar counts there is a continued strain on architects, engineers and general contractors to address a problem that many refused to believe existed not too long ago, moisture vapor emissions (mve). Mve leads to floorcovering failures that are extremely costly to remediate and many times leave the end user to fend for themselves as many of the recent entries into the mve control segment have neither the experience, performance level and most importantly, the warranty to make a difference.
Concure systems has from day one been the answer to flooring failures and was designed to solve floorcovering failures due to mve. We are not a product that was designed for some other application and plugged as a solution to flooring problems. The market segment is now recognized as a viable one because of all the bad experiences architects, structural engineers, general contractors and end users have gone through and, in many cases, caused each to pony up with money to resolve the issues. Those that have had the experience know the value of our system as we are fully warranted and cover any manufacturers floor covering installed on a Concure slab. Our proactive product, Concure admixture, requires no labor and is a fraction of the cost of addressing after the fact. It is a safeguard and relatively inexpensive insurance policy versus “rolling the dice” on a product that is new to the market and unproven.
Architects, engineers, general contractors and end users typically want the best product for the least amount of money. Concure systems has a full array of products that are tried and true, are integral in the concrete and are not a band-aid!!! With a reputation on the line and a potential problem to solve why would anyone specify a product that has relatively no warranty?? Please be cautious and read the fine print on what you are specifying. Most times you will find you are not comparing an apple to an apple and are left with the same potential liability you had as if you didn’t address mve at all.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to read the warranty of a product you are potentially going to use to control moisture? Don’t you owe it to yourself to investigate how long they’ve been in the market.? Don’t you owe it to yourself toprotect your company’s reputation??? Concure systems will gladly provide side by side analysis of Concure versus any other product. Don’t you owe it to yourself and your client??????